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Globalization: the effects on economy, culture and society
09. July 2018 at 17:43
Nowadays globalization plays an important role in our society. What does it mean? What is the role of this phenomenon in the modern world? Is it good or bad?
Globalization is the process of complicating and deepening interconnections and interdependencies between countries and regions, enterprises and even people. This phenomenon has 3 forms: economic, political and cultural. It means it influence on three aspects of our life.

Globalization makes our life more comfortable, gives more opportunities in the modern world. Let’s explore the most important benefits that globalization gives us.
1. Saving of production scale. We can analyze how many goods we need and we can save money and resources in one branch to spend them more where we need
2. Deepening the international division of labor. Specializing of each country on production goods that will be competitive in the foreign market makes the world economy more logical and rational.
3. Mobilization of more significant financial resources.
4. Increasing productivity due to rationalization and dissemination of advanced technologies.
5. Expanding the life prospects of the population.
6. Development of transnational corporations. It gives a variety of goods, more opportunities for people to choose any product they want.
7. Close interaction between countries and international organizations in the search for solutions to acute political problems.
8. The formation of the united world scientific and educational space
9. Development of interaction between people using global networks (the Internet)

So as you can see here are many advantages of this phenomenon. They help people in their development and building successful life.

Nevertheless, there are disadvantages that make some people be anti-globalists. Anti-globalization movement is about critical attitude to globalization and its consequences. Participants base their criticisms on a number of related ideas. Let’s find out what negative aspects of this phenomenon made people protest.
1. Uneven distribution of benefits: most of advantages are obtained by the richest countries, which gives rise to the threat of conflicts on regional, national and global levels
2. Many branches lose their competitive benefits because of increasing of open markets.
3. The interdependence of national economies at the global level, which leads to instability and the spread of economic crises.
4. Deindustrialization – global opening leads reducing of employment in manufacturing industries and increasing of employment in service industries.
5. Transfer of production to countries with low wages.
6. An increase in the difference between the wages of skilled and less skilled workers.
7. The spread of crime, drug addiction and dangerous diseases.
8. Loss of national and cultural authenticity of countries.
9. Increasing the danger of global technological disaster.

Your attitude to globalization is your own decision. I prefer to stand aside because there are many important things that globalization gives us and many that worsen some branches of our life. I think be 100% for or against globalization isn’t right. All we need is to reduce the impact of bad aspects and concentrate on good ones. Of course, in some branches it would be useful to less the effects at all but in some globalization provides a lot of good and necessary things for wonderful human life. Globalization is the result of people’s work and relations so only we can change the way of its influence or its aspects.
Cite This Article As: Anna Kontseba. "Globalization: the effects on economy, culture and society." International Youth Journal, 09. July 2018.

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